Awards Catch-up


To the non-bloggers out there, the awards bloggers give each other can seem arbitrary, self-serving or just plain weird. In reality, they are a fun way to drive traffic to blogs with smaller followings. That said, I haven’t been the best team player over the last few months. I am woefully behind on responding to several awards from fellow bloggers. I apologize for my tardiness.

Since I am so far behind, I am not going to play by the rules for the various awards – they usually require a certain number of facts about the recipient, or answers to a series of questions. I’ll share a few trivial facts about myself and then I’ll get on with posting links to the kind bloggers that nominated me for the various awards, along with a few of my own favorite blogs. And I’ll throw in a few random pictures that I never got to post, just to pretty things up.


Tidbits you might or might not care about:

  • My favorite color is blue. And green.
  • A few years ago, I went 10 months without eating chocolate, when I thought it was triggering migraines.
  • I have never deep-fried anything. I want to. Doughnuts, anyone?
  • I also want to try making crepes, croissants and cream puffs.
  • I prefer whole grain breads to white bread, and I have converted my family. Except for my father-in-law who will attest until the end of time that white bread is best.
  • I don’t like enclosed spaces – no spelunking for me.

Check out the blogs below for some interesting reading. Thank you all for the kind nominations!

Cooking with Corinna
Foods for the Soul
Around Her Table
The Urban Farmerette
Pocketful of Sugar
Miss Chris Creations
At the Corner of Happy and Harried

And these are a few more of my favorite blogs:

Farm Fresh Feasts
Photographs and Recipes
Eat • Write
Her Green Life
Two Men and a Little Farm
The Sweets Life

7 thoughts on “Awards Catch-up

  1. I’m definitely a whole-grain bread girl through and through too. And crêpes are so fun to make! I was incredibly nervous to try them, but once my brother started making them once a week (and he doesn’t even like to cook or bake!), I asked him to teach me. After one or two, you’ll get the hang of it — no problem!

  2. Sarah,
    Aww, thanks! (And thanks for not requiring me to write something in return–much appreciated!)
    I look forward to hearing about crepes, as that’s something on my bucket list. Stopping me from even starting is ‘what to cook them on?’ but in typing this I’m realizing that I could try my lefse griddle, recently handed down from my mom. Of course it’s not nonstick, as lefse is floured like a tortilla before you put it on the griddle.
    Perhaps my daughter and I need to practice with lefse first, then branch out.
    Lovely photos–our butterfly bushes outside of the dining room and breakfast nook windows are blooming and attracting butterflies, bees, and even hummingbirds–but I’m too slow with the camera!

    • I’m all about no pressure!

      We are crepe fanatics right now. Next week may have to be crepe week on The Cook’s Life. 🙂 So far we have done dessert, breakfast and are planning another dessert. Stop me!

      Rich took the photos a couple of weeks ago on our Colorado vacation. I saw the butterfly and he did the rest. I’ll pass on the compliments!

  3. Welcome back from what sounds like a beautiful vacation. Thank you for the shout out, much appreciated and I know what you mean about keeping up w/things. Between this new computer (which I’m finally coming to grips w/Win 8) & the hot muggies we’ve had here, it’s hard to think about eating food, never mind cooking it and writing about it.
    Sorry to hear about the migraines – I’ve had them for decades & went through all the elimination triggers only to find that mine are triggered by changes in the barometric pressure. Not much you can do about that one but at least chocolate isn’t my enemy.

    • Thanks, Diane! I have the migraines under control – most of them are caused by food triggers, but chocolate isn’t one of them. The chocolate-free time was a couple of years ago, and I’m glad it turned out not to be a trigger for me! Bananas, strawberries in large quantities and pineapple are the main culprits. As long as I stay well hydrated, get enough sleep, avoid too much junk food and the above fruits, I am pretty much migraine free most of the time. And I can eat all the chocolate I want. 🙂

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